Divine Inspirations Inc is a not for profit 501 C 3 organization established for the purpose of cultivating wellness in girls that are at risk, underprivileged, and fighting childhood obesity through providing access to affordable performing arts and mentorship programs.
"No act of kindness,
no matter how small
is ever wasted."
"No act of kindness,
no matter how small
is ever wasted."
Make a donation today using Donor Box.

Meet one of our DICA Students Stefanie. She’s a 17 year old who understands the value of hard work through the ethics instilled in her by her mother -- a single immigrant small business owner. Like many others, the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the family's business and financial resources. DICA provided her with support and mentorship during this time and is happy to say that Stefanie continues to maintain a 4.0 GPA in spite of the many social and economic challenges. She aspires to head to college and dreams of becoming a neurologist. She would not only be one of the very few minorities in the field, but she would also be her family's first college graduate.
To the DIVINE Inspirations Sponsors of the world.... We thank you all!